
A tool set to help you navigate life with

kindness and purpose

Here to help you make a start

Hello! I will not pretend to have it all together.
But over the last few years I’ve learnt a lot about myself.
In the process, I collected not only experiences, but a series of resources. INTENTIONAL brings together the valuable set of tools I came across.
This website is for everyone embarking in a similar journey.
So here I am, hopefully giving back to the world - and you in the process!

You’ve already started, now grab a coffee and pick your next page…

Must watches

My journey towards a “better me” started with one too many TED Talks, but also following some pretty inspiring YouTubers. And I am very grateful I did!


Since adopting habit stacking my audiobook library grew considerably. Who would have thought that going to the gym 3 x week would lead to 2 books a month…

[ Coming Soon ]

Life Hacks

From the classic productivity tips to what food gives my brain and body the energy they need, via my tips to running one - or perhaps 10?! - marathons.

[ Coming Soon ]

In my own words

Writing has always brought me comfort. In a not so distant past, I dreamt and I became a journalist. Every so often I like to go back and flirt again with my own words.

“You're under no obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago”

Alan Watts

[ Courage ]

To tell the story of who you are with your whole heart

As Brené Brown
defines in The Power of Vulnerability
